Those with vision can change the world. Alongside marketable developments and innovations, for decades social and non-profit initiatives have helped to improve the lives of a great many people, whether through charity work or political lobbying. The commitment of these people, groups and organizations is a strong driver of social developments that benefit people, society and the environment. Yesterday, today, and above all, tomorrow.
With Concept Future you can count on our extensive expertise and
experience in the creation of compelling concepts and sustainable solutions. We
are happy to work for initiatives and organizations both large and small. We
engage with clients on an equal footing and based on shared values.
Concept Future tailors its wide range of services to meet the
needs of each individual organization, the specific requirements of each
project and the goals of each client. We are experienced in finding innovative
and creative solutions. And specialize in offering the kind of collaboration
that delivers concrete benefits and ease of implementation .
Concept Future
- is an owner-operated Swiss agency headquartered in Bern. The CEO is Verena Flück
- offers one-stop services for non-profit organizations, administrations, political organizations, initiatives, social enterprises and service companies
- coaches managers and employees at all levels
- operates in Switzerland and worldwide
Concept Future cooperates closely with other experienced professional partners, with access to their specialized skills and resources.